Tagged: Lawrence Anthony

Lawrence Anthony honoured posthumously

Lawrence Anthony, founder of The Earth Organization, received his honourary doctorate, posthumously, from The University of KwaZulu Natal at a graduation ceremony this week. In a moving ceremony at the University of Kwazulu Natal,...

Conservation icon passes away

The world of conservation suffered a great loss on the 2nd of March 2012, when Lawrence Anthony passed away peacefully in his sleep. Known internationally for his compassionate intervention at the Baghdad Zoo during...

Chapter Summary 2010

2010 has been a year of unprecedented expansion for The Earth Organization (TEO). This is a summary of what our chaoters have been doing around the globe. A Message from the Executive Director International...

President committed to conservation

‘I AM impressed with our new President’s interest in and understanding of environmental and conservation matters.’ ‘I AM impressed with our new President’s interest in and understanding of environmental and conservation matters.’ Grateful to...


  “THE ELEPHANT WHISPERER” A BEST SELLER Lawrence Anthony’s inspiring, new, true life adventure story, “The Elephant Whisperer,” is receiving superb reviews on Amazon.uk where it shot to number 12 on release. The Elephant Whisperer...

guardian.co.uk The Observer

The elephant man He’s the controversial conservationist who braved the US bombing to rescue the starving lions of Baghdad zoo. Now, Lawrence Anthony is saving rhinos trapped by Uganda’s Lord’s Resistance Army and rehoming...

Walking for Wildlife

Miss Earth hopefuls teamed up with the Earth Organisation and walked the Johannesburg Zoo, in aid of wildlife in war zones. Yvette Taylor of the Earth Organisation said, “Miss Earth South Africa has as...