Tagged: Free Air Project

Trees of Africa

Cycads (Encephalartos) This tree can be found in Polynesia, Madagascar, Japan, Australia, Central America and Southern Africa. These primitive woody plants are very popular in Southern African parks and gardens. They are commonly referred...

Trees of Europe

Larch (Larix): The larch is native to much of the cooler temperate northern hemisphere, on lowlands in the far north, and high on mountains further south. Larches are among the dominant trees in the...

Trees of Asia

 True Cypress (Cupressus) The cypresses are native to scattered localities in mainly warm temperate regions in the northern hemisphere, including western North America, Central America, north-west Africa, the Middle East, the Himalayas, southern China...

Trees of South America

Chile Pine or Monkey Puzzle (Araucaria araucana) The monkey puzzle is a very striking tree which is native to central Chile. The tree has horizontal branches and occurs naturally in sub-tropical regions of South...