Category: News and Information

The Year of the Forest – 2011

Examining the dire straits of our planets forests and their importance to the natural world. 2011 has been declared the year of the forests by the United Nations and therefore I found it fitting...

Primary School takes a Green Leap

On Thursday morning the 16th September 2010 Eastwood Primary School kicked of their greening program with the help of The Earth Organization. Carl Uys and Sam Madlala, who have recently opened an Earth Organization chapter...

Rhino Poaching

With 180 rhino having been poached between January and the end of August this year alone, it is time for every South African to become involved in the fight to save our rhinos. Following...

Biodiversity – the complete story

Following on from our layman’s guide to biodiversity this article is a more comprehensive study of the subject. The year 2010 has been declared as the International Year of Biodiversity. Biodiversity is a relatively new field of...


The Earth Organization is working to bring micro organism technology into those areas affected by the Gulf Coast oil spill. Gulf oil spill relief campaignMicro Organism Technology – The Only Real Solution: The Simple...


In a colourful traditional ceremony, the ribbon was cut on South Africa’s newest game reserve… In a colourful traditional ceremony attended by officials, VIP’s, and hundreds of rural community members Mr Mujahid Alam of...