Category: News

Important and breaking news from around the globe.

Annual Summary 2012

The considerable impact that LAEO had this year is due to incredibly loyal and generous supporters without whom none of our work would have been possible. In the year going forward we hope to...

Kwa Zulu Natal’s rhino crisis

A look at the rhino crisis in Kwa Zulu Natal and South Africa East Coast Radio is passionate about wildlife. We’re horrified by the ongoing plundering of our rhinos in our game parks. We’ve...

Lawrence Anthony honoured posthumously

Lawrence Anthony, founder of The Earth Organization, received his honourary doctorate, posthumously, from The University of KwaZulu Natal at a graduation ceremony this week. In a moving ceremony at the University of Kwazulu Natal,...

Rhino Rescue Project

Lawrence Anthony was on a mission to save our Rhinos – The Earth Organization needs your help to continue with this mission. The Earth Organization is an independent, non-profit group which seeks to reverse...

Conservation icon passes away

The world of conservation suffered a great loss on the 2nd of March 2012, when Lawrence Anthony passed away peacefully in his sleep. Known internationally for his compassionate intervention at the Baghdad Zoo during...

Recycling bins are delivered to Schools

The Earth Organization together with the School’s Recycling Programme partners spent and exciting week delivering bins and recycling stations to five schools in the South Durban Basin. These schools have been chosen to participate...

Annual Chapter Summary 2011

I would like to thank all the chapters for their incredible contribution to nature conservation over the last year. I know The Earth Organization is going to achieve even greater success in the year...